Colour me, Beautiful [2021]

Image credit: Colour Me, Beautiful concept image. L-R Nathan Gardiner (delegate artist), Vahri McKenzie (lead artist) and Rizzy (delegate artist). Bunbury Biennale: he|she|they, Bunbury Regional Art Galleries, March – June 2021. Photograph by Kate Ingarfield.
Colour Me, Beautiful time-lapse documentation video of live performance artwork. With thanks to the hundreds of visitors who added their colour story, and to delegate artists Annette Carmichael, Bec Bradley, Rebecca Corps, Gemma Ben-Ary, Josef Quinn, Nathan Gardiner, Sheree Dohnt, Rizzy, and videographer Katherine Ingarfield.
Top left: Millie by Vahri, ‘New me/not me’. Top right: Caroline by Sheree, ‘Vibrantly me’. Bottom left: Joanne by Rizzy, ‘Bittersweet’. Bottom right: Zev , Evie and Katie by Sheree, ‘The Blue Hug’.

This project was supported by:

- Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries, the Royalties for Regions funded Regional Arts and Cultural Investment Program and Regional Arts WA
- City of Bunbury Arts Grant
- Bunbury Regional Art Galleries [Exhibition catalogue]
Public talks:
- Colour me, Beautiful: knowledge creation in arts-based research, The Ediths Roundtable 56.
- Colour Me, Beautiful and Working in 3D: Delegation, Duration and Distribution, Centre for Creative and Cultural Research, University of Canberra.
Social Media: Colour me, Beautiful Facebook Album