Freedom in Surrender

McKenzie, Vahri (2014). Freedom in surrender. Dancewest, September 2014, 22-23. The work is an artists’ profile of Claudia Alessi published in dancewest, the WA edition of the Australian Dance Council magazine. Alessi is a leading independent dancer and choreographer. It draws on my case study 

Agent Provocateur

McKenzie, V. (2011). Agent Provocateur. <proximity> contact improvisation, new dance, movement improvisation 14(3), 4-7). Republished (2012) <proximity> contact improvisation, new dance, movement improvisation 15(1), 27-30. This is the major textual work to document Felix Ruckert’s 2011 Australian visit in which he offered workshops for Xplore 

Enter Jamspace

McKenzie, V. (2008). Enter jamspace. Adbusters Journal of the Mental Environment 80. Article about the fourth annual Australian Contact Improvisation Convergence in Mullumbimby, June 2008, including an interview with leading Australian dancer Jacob Lehrer.

What is the collective noun for contact improvisers?

McKenzie, V. (2008). What is the collective noun for contact improvisers? <proximity> contact improvisation, new dance, movement improvisation 11(3). In June 2008, the fourth annual Australian Contact Improvisation Convergence took place in the Byron Bay area of New South Wales. Seventy people from across Australia